IKYA Aligned Crystal Healing - Collection 3: Select your payment and alignment option from our list below

** 18 MAY 2022 ** Deadline for sign up that guarantees delivery of your crystals by the first crystal teaching on 8 June.

Terms of invoicing and payment

We will send first invoices later in spring 2022, in April or May.

You are agreeing to paying the full price of this course in IKYA Aligned Crystal Healing - Collection 3 as pertaining to your choice of personal alignment and invoicing options. For all options, shipping costs come in addition and will be invoiced separately.

Payment by lump sum invoice (NOK 33.500 or 43.900) will have a payment deadline of 7 days from the date of issue of the invoice, unless otherwise requested by the client. Shipping costs come in addition and are invoiced separately.

Payment of the full purchase price by monthly invoice (12 invoices of either NOK 3.045 or 3.990) will have 7-day payment deadlines. This payment option does not equate to a subscription that can be cancelled. Rather, you are agreeing to pay the full price of the course (NOK 36.540 or 47.880), plus shipping costs, in monthly installments, whether you complete the course or not. Cancellation of your payment after the course has begun is not permitted, even if you choose to withdraw your participation from the course.

Signing up now is your binding legal and financial agreement of purchase of the entire course of IKYA Aligned Crystal Healing - Collection 3.

By Norwegian law, you have a 14-day grace period after date of your online signup in which you can ask for a full cancellation and refund of your purchase. After 14 days, your purchase is non-refundable and non-cancelable, including the monthly payment option. Payment by invoice is be due in full until the full cost of the course is paid.

Further Terms & Conditions

In order to comply with privacy regulations in the European Union, we'll need you to provide consent before confirming you to our e-mail list. 

By subscribing, you agree to let us use the data you provided to send you information that we think will be interesting or useful to you. Promotional emails about our products and services. We’ll send you occasional emails about promotions, new products, and partnerships.

You agree to let us send personal one-to-one communications to you. Examples of this may include sending you mail address verification messages, and replying to queries sent from your mail address.

If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, you can unsubscribe from the marketing list at any time.

Information on recording and use of materials under copyright protection

Owner of materials under copyright protection:
IKYA AS, Oslo, Norway, [email protected]

User of IKYA’s materials under copyright protection: you who are agreeing to these terms.

All methodology, techniques, principles, concepts, models, teachings, recordings (audio, video, photo) and other primary and secondary materials and products presented by IKYA, are products based on IKYA’s original materials, and are the sole property of IKYA and protected by copyright law, without exception or limitation.

These protections apply absolutely and immediately upon creation by IKYA and apply regardless of whether User agrees to the protections. Distribution of any of IKYA’s materials in any form or by any channel is strictly prohibited without explicit consent from IKYA.

Personal audio or video recording of any of IKYA’s materials is strictly prohibited. Any such recordings that may exist are the sole property of IKYA and also protected by copyright law.

Confidentiality Agreement
Through the membership in IKYA Aligned Crystal Healing, you are required of confidentiality related to the work, information, materials, processes and shared information from the participants.

You commit yourself to relate to what you experience, information that is shared officially and unofficially and what you see, as confidential.

Violation of this Confidentiality Agreement will lead to initiation of necessary action by IKYA AS.

Online access to course materials at IKYA Learning (ikyalearning.org)

Online access to course materials, both audio and video, is included in the price of and for the duration of this year-long course. Online access to course materials expires at the end of the course period. After the completion of the course, an option to pay for subscription access will be made available.


Angrerett ifølge norsk lov

Du har rett til å gå fra denne avtalen innen 14 dager uten å oppgi noen grunn for dette. Angrefristen utløper 14 dager etter avtalens inngåelse.

For å kunne bruke angreretten må du underrette oss: IKYA AS, Karenslyst alle 9B, 0278 Oslo, [email protected], +47.40195441
på en utvetydig måte om din beslutning om å gå fra avtalen (f.eks. i et brev sendt med e-post).

Du kan benytte det tilsendte angreskjemaet, men det er ikke obligatorisk. For å overholde angrefristen er det tilstrekkelig at du sender meldingen om at du vil bruke angreretten før angrefristen utløper.

Dersom du går fra denne avtalen, skal vi tilbakebetale alle betalinger vi har mottatt fra deg, herunder leveringskostnadene, uten unødig opphold og i alle tilfeller senest 14 dager etter den dag vi mottar melding om din beslutning om å gå fra denne avtalen.

Vi foretar tilbakebetalingen med samme betalingsmiddel som du benyttet ved den opprinnelige transaksjonen, med mindre du uttrykkelig har avtalt noe annet med oss.

I alle tilfeller vil du ikke bli pålagt noe gebyr som følge av tilbakebetalingen.

Vi kan holde tilbake tilbakebetalingen til vi har fått varene tilbake, eller til du har lagt fram dokumentasjon på at varene er sendt tilbake, eller til det av disse tidspunktene som inntreffer først.

Du må returnere varene eller levere dem til oss uten unødig opphold og i alle tilfeller senest 14 dager etter den dag du underrettet oss om at du ville gå fra avtalen. Fristen er overholdt dersom du sender tilbake varene før fristen på 14 dager er utløpt.

Du må bære de direkte kostnadene ved å returnere varene.

Dersom du har anmodet om at utførelsen av tjenestene skal påbegynnes før angrefristen utløper, skal du betale oss et beløp som står i forhold til det som er utført eller levert fram til du underrettet oss om at du ønsket å gå fra avtalen, sammenlignet med full oppfyllelse av avtalen.

An account already exists with this email address. Is this you?

Sign in

IKYA ALIGNED CRYSTAL HEALING - COLLECTION 3 - open to all! Starts 1 June 2022

 **Before purchasing the course, sign in first to your existing IKYA Learning account if you have one.**

Pricing for this course is below at the end of this description. Option of personal alignment of your gemstones:

We strongly recommend that you choose IKYA Personal Alignment of your crystals. The difference is noticeable. Your crystals receive additional personal alignment by IKYA, which programs and dedicates your gemstones to your individual spiritual journey. The crystals become more like energetic organs, continuously filtering your energy and being part of your process. Over time, you will build your own collection of IKYA Aligned Gemstone spheres to enjoy in your own healing process.

The choice is yours at checkout. 💎 


Now, details about the course...
Join us for the most exciting crystal course on the planet!


We welcome you to take part in this life-changing experience that will bring you to higher levels of advanced spiritual work. Everybody can join. It is not a requirement to have taken part in previous collections.

Whether you are new to crystals or have worked with them your entire life, this course will lift you to a new level of inspiration.

Studying with IKYA and receiving one crystal per month is a truly unique opportunity to explore spiritual principles and, ultimately, yourself. Each month you enter a new space of energy, a new principle and a new approach to your own spiritual journey. You get to experience assistance directly from the Gemstone Guardians and to work closely with the spiritual teachings from each Guardian in your own life. For each crystal you are introduced to, your insight and consciousness grows.

What many participants experience as completely mind-blowing is that the IKYA Aligned Gemstone spheres work on their own. They connect with you and assist you with your karma even when you feel you don’t know how to do your part. All these participants can tell stories about how the aligned crystals are operating with their own awareness and presence, concretely intervening and guiding in ways beyond anything they have previously experienced. IKYA Aligned Crystal Healing IS the next level in crystal teachings.

This course makes advanced spiritual studies easy to access. Participants experience that hard-to-grasp spiritual concepts become relatable and something you can touch and feel. The aligned crystal is a physical object and presence that works with you through your consciousness, mind, emotions, body and life. You get to bring your spiritual studies into reality, practicing and living it every day. 

The course:
This journey of education spans 25 evenings and introduces entirely new information from the Gemstone Guardians, never before revealed. The consciousness on the planet is changing faster, and this course teaches you how to work with crystals and gemstones based on the times we live in, our current consciousness and where the planet is heading.

Traditionally, most crystal information is suffering-based, focused on how to heal, how to let go, how to grow out of pain and blockages. The Guardians are now focusing on the next step in human unfoldment. IKYA Aligned Crystal Healing concentrates on how to incarnate a higher consciousness on the planet and how to be in service. 

By attending this course, you will become part of the healing force that represents the purpose of crystals and gemstones for this planet and its lifeforms.

You will enter an advanced level of understanding of these living, healing organisms, and you will gain insights into how to collaborate more deeply with them. If you feel a dedication to crystals and to their healing powers, then this course is for you.

If you feel a dedication to unfolding consciousness and to being in service but are not yet introduced to the powers of crystals, then this course is also for you.

This one-year course consists of:

- One 2 1/2 hour introductory evening on how to work with crystals generally, at the beginning of the course

- One 2 1/2 hour evening class per month, with the first teaching from the Gemstone Guardian for that month

- One 2 hour follow-up workshop per month, with additional teaching from that month’s crystal, plus sharing and questions

- Every teaching and workshop can be attended physically at IKYA Center and online LIVE via Zoom streaming

- Every meeting will be recorded and posted at our platform, IKYA Learning (ikyalearning.org) to watch as often as you like for the whole year! Online access to course material expires at the end of this year-long course.

For one whole year, you will study in depth one crystal or gemstone for an entire month at a time — 12 crystals in total. Included as part the course, you will receive one IKYA Aligned Gemstone sphere each month.

IKYA Aligned Gemstones are professional grade gemstones and crystals restructured and programmed to become vehicles representing their respective Mother Crystals on the planet. They work on a higher level because they are channeling the energy, vibration and purpose directly from the source, and their effects are thereby enormously more powerful than what the individual gemstone would represent on its own.

Working with Mother Crystals and Guardians:
You will learn how to receive teachings and guidance directly from the Mother Crystals and Guardians and to become a vehicle for healing on many levels of life and consciousness.

Working with crystals and gemstones is exciting and fun. Many people experience that they connect with vibration, energy and spiritual presence in a very concrete way for the first time. When you immerse yourself in one crystal for a whole month, you will experience that both your inner and outer life becomes aligned and imbued by its presence. You thereby have the opportunity to study and explore your life and yourself through the vibrational field the gemstone represents. When you move on to the next gemstone in the course, you will experience a noticeable shift, and your life studies will be filled and colored by the new crystal. Insight and wisdom will come to you, and your entire life will be a journey of exploration in healing and growth.

Both beginners and advanced lovers of crystals and gemstones will benefit from and greatly enjoy this course. Your dedication to healing and service will expand and open new doors of spiritual mysteries.

Come join us in the amazing world of powerful healing crystals!

(all times are 18:00 Oslo time)

1 June 2022 opening workshop on working with crystals
8 June - Crystal 1 teaching
22 June - Crystal 1 workshop
10 Aug - Crystal 2 teaching
24 Aug - Crystal 2 workshop
7 Sept - Crystal 3 teaching
21 Sept - Crystal 3 workshop
5 Oct - Crystal 4 teaching
19 Oct - Crystal 4 workshop
2 Nov - Crystal 5 teaching
16 Nov - Crystal 5 workshop
30 Nov - Crystal 6 teaching
14 Dec - Crystal 6 workshop
4 Jan 2023 - Crystal 7 teaching
18 Jan - Crystal 7 workshop
1 Feb - Crystal 8 teaching
15 Feb - Crystal 8 workshop
1 March - Crystal 9 teaching
15 March - Crystal 9 workshop
29 March - Crystal 10 teaching
12 April - Crystal 10 workshop
26 April - Crystal 11 teaching
10 May - Crystal 11 workshop
24 May - Crystal 12 teaching
7 June - Crystal 12 workshop

** 18 MAY 2022 ** Deadline for sign-up that guarantees delivery of your crystals for the first crystal teaching on 8 June.

PRICING FOR THE COURSE (based on your choice of with or without personal alignment of your crystals, and 1 invoice or non-cancelable payment plan of 12 invoices): 4 OPTIONS:

1. With personal alignment -- one invoice NOK 43.900

2. Without personal alignment -- one invoice NOK 33.500

3. With personal alignment -- NOK 47.880 over 12 monthly invoices of NOK 3.990 (non-cancelable payment plan)

4. Without personal alignment -- NOK 36.540 over 12 monthly invoices of NOK 3.045 (non-cancelable payment plan)



Angrerett ifølge norsk lov

Du har rett til å gå fra denne avtalen innen 14 dager uten å oppgi noen grunn for dette. Angrefristen utløper 14 dager etter avtalens inngåelse.

For å kunne bruke angreretten må du underrette oss: IKYA AS, Karenslyst alle 9B, 0278 Oslo, [email protected], +47.40195441
på en utvetydig måte om din beslutning om å gå fra avtalen (f.eks. i et brev sendt med e-post).

Du kan benytte det tilsendte angreskjemaet, men det er ikke obligatorisk. For å overholde angrefristen er det tilstrekkelig at du sender meldingen om at du vil bruke angreretten før angrefristen utløper.

Dersom du går fra denne avtalen, skal vi tilbakebetale alle betalinger vi har mottatt fra deg, herunder leveringskostnadene, uten unødig opphold og i alle tilfeller senest 14 dager etter den dag vi mottar melding om din beslutning om å gå fra denne avtalen.

Vi foretar tilbakebetalingen med samme betalingsmiddel som du benyttet ved den opprinnelige transaksjonen, med mindre du uttrykkelig har avtalt noe annet med oss.

I alle tilfeller vil du ikke bli pålagt noe gebyr som følge av tilbakebetalingen.

Vi kan holde tilbake tilbakebetalingen til vi har fått varene tilbake, eller til du har lagt fram dokumentasjon på at varene er sendt tilbake, eller til det av disse tidspunktene som inntreffer først.

Du må returnere varene eller levere dem til oss uten unødig opphold og i alle tilfeller senest 14 dager etter den dag du underrettet oss om at du ville gå fra avtalen. Fristen er overholdt dersom du sender tilbake varene før fristen på 14 dager er utløpt.

Du må bære de direkte kostnadene ved å returnere varene.

Dersom du har anmodet om at utførelsen av tjenestene skal påbegynnes før angrefristen utløper, skal du betale oss et beløp som står i forhold til det som er utført eller levert fram til du underrettet oss om at du ønsket å gå fra avtalen, sammenlignet med full oppfyllelse av avtalen.